The recent floods in Sarawak underscores the urgent need for the government to strengthen flood management systems in Sarawak. Proactive measures are critical to prevent recurring disasters and to protect the people from being affected by floods.
While I welcome the announcement by the Prime Minister for the immediate aid of RM 25 million to Sabah & Sarawak, but such funds is inadequate given the scale of damages to public and private infrastructures and even personal losses suffered by the victims. For instance, some victims have reported losses exceeding RM50,000 per household.
In December 2024, the federal government allocated RM50 million in total, with RM25 million designated for Kedah & Terengganu respectively. Based on that precedent set, I urge the government to revise the sum allocated and increase these allocations to at least RM 50 million for Sabah & Sarawak to address the damages and loss by one of the worst floods we have seen especially here in Sarawak. .
I hope the Government also ensure the distribution process for aid is done efficiently without any beaurocratic or even political hindrance. Some of the conditions set including which requires victims to relocate to designated evacuation centers (PPS), is problematic. Many victims refuse to leave their homes due to fears of burglary, thereby may disqualify them from receiving aid. This policy must be revised to ensure aid reaches all affected individuals, taking into context their concerns and conditions.
We do not want excessive bureaucracy and cumbersome processes to hinder aid delivery. Victims should not be forced to navigate complex procedures instead of focusing on recovery. Streamlining these processes is essential to ensure timely and effective assistance.
The government must also expedite the Kuching Flood Mitigation Plan (PLSB) that has been delayed for so long. Further delays will exacerbate vulnerabilities. We demand accelerated action to complete this project, as long-term resilience and future flood prevention depend on its timely execution.
I also request clarity on recent announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister YB Fadhillah Yusof on the RM1 billion Flood Mitigation project in Kuching. While I welcome such announcements, in spirit of transparency and accountability, I would like to ask:
◦ What is the current status of these funds?
◦ What is the timeline for project implementation?
* What is the scope of the project and where are the locations involved?
Close coordination between federal and state governments, alongside relevant agencies, is vital to address both immediate recovery and long-term flood prevention. A unified strategy is needed to safeguard communities and prevent future crises.
Dr. Kelvin Yii
MP for Bandar Kuching