Today marks the 29th anniversary of P.Patto’s passing. However, to those that love and cherish him, his passing feels just like yesterday. P. Patto was a political stalwart whose courage and tenacity for justice resonates deeply until today.
Saudara P. Patto was born in Bagan Serai on 19th December 1946. At age 25 he joined the DAP’s struggle to uplhold democracy in Malaysia. Two years later in 1973, he left his teaching profession and committed to DAP fully as a POlitical Secretary to Saudara Lim Kit Siang.
P. Patto was a skilled orator and quickly gained a following of like-minded supporters who wanted to see a change in Malaysia. His ability to inspire crowds with his speeches in Bahasa Malaysia, English, and Tamil was a sight to behold. He even spoke near perfect Cantonese, Mandarin and Hokkien and would use it in his speeches. His words were a blend of intellect, empathy, and truth-telling and it resonated with Malaysians from all walks of life.
He was at various times elected as Perak State Assemblyman for Gopeng, MP for Menglembu and Bagan.
In DAP, he rose to become Deputy Secretary-General and had served as National Organising Secretary, Editor of Rocket and DAPSY National Secretary.
However, being an outspoken public figure comes with its set of challenges. In 1978, P. Patto along with Lim Kit Siang was arrested, charged and convicted in connection with their expose of the scandal in the purchase of four Swedish-made SPICA-M fast strike crafts by the Royal Malaysian Navy.
In 1987, P. Patto was part of the 119 detainees that had been wrongfully and unjustly imprisoned under Operation Lalang. Both of these charges were under the now-defunct Internal Security Act (ISA).
Within his family, he was well-loved and still is fondly missed by his wife and daughters. Kasthuri Patto, daughter of P. Patto even carried on her father’s legacy fighting for the downtrodden and for reforms in Malaysia’s justice system.
“He gave up 18 months of his life behind bars, away from his wife and two daughters, away from his whole family, away from his party cadres, comrades, friends and supporters, all for valiantly fighting for his rights, for social justice, freedom, democracy, equality and justice, for following his conscience and his steadfast principles and for fighting for a Malaysian Malaysia where every Malaysian, regardless of skin colour, race, religion, gender, language, age and political ideology, is treated equally with dignity and respect and granted the same opportunities under the Malaysian sun.” Kasthuri Patto
It has now been 29 years since P. Patto’s passing. Gone but never forgotten.
Let us not mourn his absence, but rather celebrate the enduring impact he left behind.
Let us also be inspired by his passion, his fearlessness, and his ability to mobilise others toward fighting for a better Malaysia.
May his soul rest in peace.