Police must continue to investigate Zamri Vinoth despite the removal of his inflammatory post

rsn rayer bernama 281222

1. I have just checked Zamri Vinoth’s Facebook page and I noticed that his very irresponsible, insensitive, and provocative post on the “Vel Vel” chant during Thaipusam and the late fireman Adib Kassim who died at Seafield, Subang Jaya, Selangor has been removed.

2. I thank and commend the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the Royal Malaysian Police and the government for taking the necessary action in removing this very inflammatory and seditious post of Zamri Vinoth.

3. I must reiterate that removing and blocking this post is important and crucial in maintaining peace and harmony at this very moment as we can see from social media posts on Facebook and TikTok that the situation is very fast escalating into a very tense environment.

4. As a Member of Parliament I must ask that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the Royal Malaysian Police, and the government be alert and very firm in removing all social media posts that insult and disrespect Royalty, any Race, and any Religion whether there is a police report or not.

5. I also state categorically, unequivocally and unconditionally that is the duty of every citizen of this country to ensure that the peace, unity and harmony we have enjoyed in this country since independence remains our utmost priority as Malaysians.

6. Having said this I am still of the view that Zamri Vinoth must be charged in Court for his latest Facebook posting.

7. Whether the debate between Zamri Vinoth and Dato Seri M .Saravanan goes on does not really matter.

8. Zamri Vinoth must face the full force of the law first!

9. I also wish to know when Zamri Vinoth will be summoned by the police to give his statement.

10. I think almost more than 100 reports have been lodged against Zamri Vinoth up to today.

MP for Jelutong

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