Police urged to facilitate the rally, not intimidate the rakyat

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The right to peace assembly is a constitutional right protected under the Federal Constitution – that EVERYONE is protected to organise and attend a peaceful rally, a peaceful protest and for the police to assist, facilitate, manage and above all to upkeep the safety and security of the participants at the rally.

Remember #HINDRAF?
Remember #BERSIH2.0?
Remember #TangkapMO1?
Remember #HapuskanKleptokrasiSelamatkanMalaysia?
Remember #HapusGST? and the many rallies Malaysians participated in?

An overkill attitude by the then-Government to stifle the right and freedom to peaceful assembly resulted in patriotic Malaysians taking to the streets to exercise their constitutional right according to Article 10 of the Federal Constitution.

Mr IGP, you know the law, you know the provisions of the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA), you know what is in the Federal Constitution, and you know what your duties are to people and nation. Our duty as the rakyat is to stand together for justice and to stand together against corruption.

Surely that’s not a crime.

Kasthuri Patto
Assistant International Secretary DAP

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