Bulletin Archive - August 2012
31/08/2012 | Fifty five years of Merdeka: Political awakening and challenge to BN rule? |
31/08/2012 | Restoring public integrity, political accountability and democratic rights of the people to choose their elected representatives |
31/08/2012 | Menjelang PRU13, media arus perdana BN kian mempraktikkan kewartawanan yang tidak beretika dan menggunakan taktik pemalsuan |
31/08/2012 | With the approach of 13GE, BN mainstream media are throwing journalistic ethics to the winds and resorting to more lies and falsehoods |
30/08/2012 | Decision by the Court of Appeal has opened a dangerous precedent |
30/08/2012 | Index and non-index crimes |
30/08/2012 | Demi mencapai kemenangan masa depan, kita harus melabur dalam modal insan dan melaksanakan dasar-dasar berjiwa rakyat |
30/08/2012 | For Malaysia to win the future we must not only invest in human talent but also implement people-centric policies |
30/08/2012 | Masa sudah tiba untuk semua rakyat Malaysia sama-sama menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-55 sebagai satu entiti rakyat Malaysia |
30/08/2012 | Let all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or politics, celebrate 55th Merdeka Day as one Malaysian people |
29/08/2012 | The clarification over crime statistics by PDRM clearly indicates data manipulation by the authorities |
28/08/2012 | Pihak polis masih gagal untuk memberi penjelasan berhubung dengan Malaysia sebagai negara paling selamat di Asia Tenggara sedangkan rakyat Malaysia terus dihantui perasaan tidak selamat |
28/08/2012 | Police response failed to explain the vast double disconnect as safest country in Southeast Asia with the worst fear of crime suffered by Malaysians |
28/08/2012 | SEB's top management should stop its witch-hunt on the leakage of the impropriety of the tender process for the 500 kV Backbone Transmission Project |
28/08/2012 | PEMANDU must declare if the crime statistics has been "audited", "verified" and "confirmed" by Pricewaterhouse Coopers |
28/08/2012 | Kabinet harus mengarahkan Hishammuddin, Idris dan Koh untuk memberi respon terhadap dakwaan pemalsuan dan pemanipulasian statistik jenayah |
28/08/2012 | Cabinet tomorrow should direct Hishammuddin, Idris and Koh to respond to fake crime stats allegations |
28/08/2012 | Sambutan gemilang Hari Kemerdekaan di Bukit Jalil merupakan batu penghalang kepada pembangunan 55 tahun negara |
28/08/2012 | Merdeka Day bash at Bukit Jalil Stadium a set-back for nation-building by 55 years |
27/08/2012 | Adakah Najib sedar akan kepalsuan statistik jenayah apabila memberikan pesanan Hari Raya minggu lepas yang bertemakan "Malaysia yang selamat"? |
27/08/2012 | Was Najib aware of doctored crime statistics which caused him to single out a "safe Malaysia" as the theme of his Hari Raya message last week? |
26/08/2012 | Pengumuman Hishammuddin diatas keutamaan untuk membanteras jenayah telah dibuktikan palsu apabila beliau tidak memberi apa-apa komen berhubung dengan statistik palsu jenayah |
26/08/2012 | Hishammuddin's recent announcement to make crime-busting "top priority" debunked by his four-day thunderous silence on allegation of fake crime statistics |
25/08/2012 | The collapse of Harbin Yangmingtan Bridge - Federal Government should immediately audit the construction of Penang Second Bridge to avoid similar accident |
25/08/2012 | Cadangan menggubal undang-undang anti-katak bukan perihal Kebebasan Berpersatuan tetapi perihal Pengkhianatan Amanah Awam |
25/08/2012 | Penang's proposal to enact an anti-hopping law is not about Freedom of Association but Breach of Public Trust |
25/08/2012 | Is dishonest doctoring of crime statistics the answer to the three-year mystery why Malaysians suffer increasing fear of crime? |
24/08/2012 | Selangor should also consider enacting anti hopping laws |
24/08/2012 | Cadangan pindaan Perlembagaan Negeri Pulau Piang untuk mengharamkan gejala "Lompat Melompat" parti akan melindungi Rakyat Malaysia daripada ditipu dalam kerajaan pilihan mereka |
24/08/2012 | Any proposed amendment of the Penang State Constitution to ban party hopping will protect the people of Malaysia from being cheated of their choice of State governments again |
24/08/2012 | Najib digesa menubuhkan satu tribunal untuk menyiasat dakwaan rasuah serta penyalahgunaan kuasa terhadap Peguam Negara Gani Patail |
24/08/2012 | Call on Najib to establish tribunal to probe the many serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power against AG Gani Patail |
23/08/2012 | KDN dan Pemandu perlu memberikan penjelasan mengenai dakwaan manipulasi data jenayah |
23/08/2012 | Home Minister and Pemandu need to clarify allegation of crime data manipulation |
23/08/2012 | Mampukah Universiti Malaya melonjak dari kedudukannya dalam QS World University Rankings 2012 yang akan diumumkan dalam 20 hari lagi? |
23/08/2012 | Can University of Malaya leapfrog in QS World University Rankings 2012 to be released in 20 days' time? |
22/08/2012 | Call on the Election Commission to demonstrate its commitment to carry out electoral reform |
22/08/2012 | DAP to hold "Janji DiTepati" public hearings throughout Sabah |
20/08/2012 | Keamanan hanya boleh tercapai dengan harmoni kaum dan kebenaran serta kemajuan dan keadilan untuk semua |
18/08/2012 | Come next general election, the Indian voters must teach BN a bigger lesson |
18/08/2012 | Utusan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012 Oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng |
18/08/2012 | Pesanan Hari Raya 2012 oleh Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang |
18/08/2012 | Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012 Message by Lim Kit Siang: Rendezvous with greatness |
17/08/2012 | Diatas nasihat peguam, tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap saya dalam laman web rasmi Facebook bagi filem Tanda Putera wajar diambil tindakan undang-undang |
17/08/2012 | Lawyers instructed to institute legal proceedings against defamation against me in Tanda Putera's official Facebook page |
16/08/2012 | Mengapa pula saya dipaparkan, dan lebih teruk lagi, dicemuh dalam laman web rasmi Facebook bagi filem Tanda Putera? |
16/08/2012 | Why then am I featured and defamed in Tanda Putera's official Facebook page as provoking May 13, 1969 riots? |
15/08/2012 | Sesi rakaman video khas dengan Lim Kit Siang mengenai peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 |
15/08/2012 | All BN MPs must prove their sincerity by immediately apologising for their complicity in passing Section 114A of the Evidence Act |
13/08/2012 | DAP National HQ supports CIJ's "Internet Blackout Day" campaign |
13/08/2012 | RCIII yang baru ditubuhkan merupakan penipuan semata-mata serta wayang pilihan raya umum |
13/08/2012 | Sabah's newly formed RCIII is a sham and a meaningless general election exercise |
13/08/2012 | Mengapa pula Shafie Apdal mengeluarkan kenyataan temberang yang tidak tahu malu bahawa UMNO tidak mempergunakan dan tidak memanipulasikan agama bagi kepentingan politik? |
13/08/2012 | Why is Shafie Apdal telling bare-faced lie that UMNO does not use religion for politics? |
12/08/2012 | Kempen berbisa "Haram Sokong DAP" Utusan dilahirkan oleh puak ekstremis UMNO yang anti-nasional yang berniat menolak warisan yang ditinggalkan tiga Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama |
12/08/2012 | Utusan's "Haram Sokong DAP" campaign conceived by Umno anti-national extremists who are prepared to repudiate the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers |
11/08/2012 | Dr M's statement a direct hit-back on himself |
11/08/2012 | Keraguan diatas Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI) Sabah |
11/08/2012 | Ocean of doubt/skepticism greets Sabah RCIII |
11/08/2012 | Najib patut memberi penjelasan mengapa beliau telah membenarkan Utusan Malaysia menjalankan kempen "Haram Sokong DAP" |
11/08/2012 | Najib should explain why he authorised Utusan Malaysia's 4-day despicable and seditious "Haram Sokong DAP" campaign |
10/08/2012 | The Federal Government must not just pay lip service in voicing "support" for the state government to take over the water concessionaires |
10/08/2012 | Sekurang-kurangnya bekas Perdana Menteri Abdullah bertindak dengan hemah dan dengan hormat apabila tidak bersetuju dengan UMNO dan kempen anti-nasional Utusan Nasional "Haram Sokong DAP" |
10/08/2012 | At least former PM Abdullah would have the basic decencies not to countenance UMNO and Utusan Malaysia's anti-national "Haram Sokong DAP" campaign |
09/08/2012 | DAPSY membuat laporan polis terhadap Utusan Malaysia |
09/08/2012 | DAPSY lodges a police report against Utusan Malaysia |
09/08/2012 | Walaupun didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah, akhbar Utusan Malaysia masih tidak serik |
09/08/2012 | Full support for "Internet Blackout Day" launched by Center for Independent Journalism |
09/08/2012 | Pendirian DAP bahawa Malaysia adalah negara secular dengan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi tidak berbeza daripada pendirian tiga Perdana Menteri yang pertama |
09/08/2012 | DAP stand that Malaysia is secular state with Islam as official religion is no different from that of first three Prime Ministers |
08/08/2012 | Tajuk utama muka hadapan akhbar Utusan Malaysia "Haram Sokong DAP" bukti berkecainya polisi 1Malaysia Najib |
08/08/2012 | Utusan Malaysia front-page headline "Haram sokong DAP" torn to smithereens Najib's 1Malaysia signature policy |
07/08/2012 | The Edge report over the award of RM1.18 billion Ampang LRT project to George Kent is a damning indictment of rent-seeking, patronage and cronyism |
07/08/2012 | Anugerah insentif RM100,000 kepada Dato' Lee Chong Wei atas kejayaan memenangi 2 pingat perak Olimpik |
07/08/2012 | RM100,000 incentive award to Dato Lee Chong Wei for being the first Malaysian to win 2 silver Olympic medals |
07/08/2012 | Polisi 1Malaysia Najib dalam tiga tahun ini telah menyemai benih ketegangan diantara kaum |
07/08/2012 | Najib's 1Malaysia policy in past three years has borne bitter and even poisonous fruits worsening racial polarization |
06/08/2012 | Will Datuk Chua Tee Yong be as relentless and hardworking in collecting back RM250 million of National Feedlot Corporation soft loan? |
06/08/2012 | Kabinet pada hari Rabu ini patut memberi penghormatan dan pengiktirafan kepada Lee Chong Wei sebagai "Malaysian Sportsperson of the Decade" |
06/08/2012 | Cabinet on Wednesday should honour Lee Chong Wei as Malaysian Sportsperson of the Decade |
05/08/2012 | Rakyat Malaysia mesti menyiasat terlebih dahulu "siapa, bila dan apa" berhubung dengan asal-usul tipu helah insiden "kencing" |
05/08/2012 | Malaysians should do a Sherlock Holmes to find out the "who, when and what" about the origin of the canard of "urination" |
04/08/2012 | Chua Tee Yong hanya tahu membangkitkan alegasi talam berulang kali |
04/08/2012 | Pulau Pinang sebagai bandaraya pintar dan antarabangsa dapat dicapai melalui pembinaan bandaraya yang sesuai untuk didiami |
04/08/2012 | Penang as an international and intelligent city is leveraged on building a liveable city that attracts human talent and formulates people-centric policies |
04/08/2012 | Tanda Putera's "urination" episode ¨C downright lie and dangerous falsehood |
03/08/2012 | Masyarakat India mundur kerana MIC |
03/08/2012 | Syarikat Prasarana Negara must immediately declassify all tender documents and minutes of evalution meetings |
03/08/2012 | BN tidak jujur dan berpolitik murahan dengan bermain talam dua muka |
03/08/2012 | BN is dishonest and a political cheat for playing the double-faced game |
02/08/2012 | What is the point of setting up PEMANDU when the PM himself tramples on its proposals as he likes? |
02/08/2012 | DAP calls on the Attorney-General and the Federal Government to withdraw the charges against Rafizi Ramli |
02/08/2012 | DAP's consistent opposition to Hudud is clear |
01/08/2012 | DAPSY mengecam pendakwaan terhadap Rafizi Ramli di bawah BAFIA |
01/08/2012 | The charging of PKR Strategy Director Rafizi Ramli is serious blow to Datuk Seri Najib Razak's anti-corruption credentials |
01/08/2012 | Datuk Seri Najib Razak makes a complete mockery of the Ampang Line LRT "open tender" |